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Soccer picks LeBron James and Yanis Antetoquanbo will be captains of the teams in the Stars` Game

Los Angeles Lakers Winger LeBron James Wing and Milwaukee Bucks Winger Janice Antetokunbo will captain the two teams in the National Basketball Association`s `Match of the Stars. `

The two received the most votes from fans and specialists among players in both conferences. So on February 7, in a live broadcast on television, the two will be able to choose their teammates.

For now, it is clear which other eight basketball players will be among the title holders, while the names of the other participants in the show will be announced at a later stage.

In addition to LeBron, the Western Conference will be presented by Golden State Warriors players Steph Curry and Kevin Durant, proud Houston Rockets James Harden and Oklahoma City winger Paul George. The Eastern Conference holders include Antetokunbo, in addition to the Antetokunbo Center, the Philadelphia 76ers center Joel Embeid, the Toronto Raptors wing Kawai Lennard, the Boston Celtics guard Kiri Irving, and the Charlotte Hornets Kambers guard. Dallas Mavericks rookie Luka Doncic, who was one of the fans` favorites, was not among the Western Conference title holders, and the same in the East applies to Indiana Guard Victor Victor Oladipo, who suffered a serious injury Wednesday. LeBron James, who received 4, 6 million votes from NBA fans, also secured his first draft pick, which also earned him his 15th appearance in the Star Game. The Greek national Antetokunbo is the second most voted with 4, 4 million votes. The Star-Defined Titles are voted on by 50 percent of the fans` vote, 25 percent of the association`s basketball players and 25 percent of the league`s journalists. In the event of a tie, the advantage is the one who receives more votes than the supporters. The Stars Match in 2019 will take place on February 17 in Charlotte, North Carolina.